"The dwarf bottlebrush buckeye, Aesculus parviflora, is not really small flowered. The specific name applies only to the individual flowers. The inflorescence is an impressive slender spike, like a foxtail lily, from twelve to sixteen inches long, with apricot-tipped stamens standing out beyond the white flowers. They bloom punctually the first part of June, almost always beginning on the eigth... In spite of the fact that the flowers are so plentiful, there are very few buckeyes, and those few disappear before I can gather them. Last summer I found out where they go. I caught a chipmunk lugging one into his tunnel. Lacking seed, propagation is by division."
Elizabeth Lawrence
June 24, 1962
The Buckeye has long since flowered and now there are a few remaining seed pods. I thought it was interesting that Elizabeth Lawrence made note of the disappearing buckeyes and I believe her thought remains true today. I'm sure in a few days the handful that are left will be gone too. Summer is moving quickly and other things are passing by including the daylily, Cestrum, and Rose Campion. However, the Eupatorium, Physostegia, Chelone and Lobelia will be in full color before long.
Come see our end of summer flowers soon,
Katie Mullen